Dream Painting 2023
New Paintings in 2023
I'm interested in psychology and sociology. I'm exploring these subjects in my new paintings. I picked up the paint brush again after 30 years. The Philip Guston Show at the National Gallery of Art inspired me.
PAINTER, SCULPTOR, WRITER AND MUSICIANSept. 2024 Just got back from a month long trip to New Zealand.sleep was sporadic, but the trip was grand. Great people. Amazing scenery. I took my Uke-bass and recorded some orignal songs like Road Zombies" Road Zombies by David Hubbard (youtube.com)
- FROM WITHIN(NEW BOOK)David Hubbard and Marcie Wolf-Hubbard are currently working on a book of David's short stories and poems and Marcie's encaustic (hot wax) paintings, which have inspired David's writing."From Within" (The poem)Suzanne waited within the space of the window
wondering when her world would spin mad as a hatter in winter wearing only skin
possibilities wriggling off in all directions waiting only for a single sound to free her
Port Colorado spread with ships painted crimson and cream
the royal sea stained brown and gold with scuds of drift weed
from a single horn a note resounds off the cliff behind the town
to break the spell that holds her there at the open window
down, down, taking flight like a wild bird free of bad dreamsTHE SHINY SHELLCHILDREN'S BOOKThe Shiny Shell, a children’s adventure book about a boy and a dolphin on a mission to save the oceans. Starting from the perspective of L. Frank Baum and Rev. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) The Shiny Shell takes our young adventurer Orion, on a journey “down the rabbit hole.” As his story unfolds your child is encouraged to learn. Knowledge is held up to be more important than the acquisition of wealth. The dire consequences of pollution and global warming are exposed and the perspective of non-human species are explored. Through all of this the values of friendship and family are uplifted. In every good adventure there are antagonists and conflict, but as in any reasonable fable, good triumphs over evil in the end.
Bring your child along on this fast paced adventure and you will be as involved in the story as they are. - STAR LIGHTOPERA
Sky High Radio was a psychedelic / cosmic rock band based in Silver Spring. Let us take you on a musical voyage through inner and outer space. Check out our new album, Star Light Opera.
David Hubbard dhparadisebill@gmail.com